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PUBLIC MARKS from "Xavier Lacot" with tags titanium & appcelerator


TiConf Australia 2013 - the talk of Jeff Haynie

Some interesting insights on Ti.Next, the next version of the Titanium platform.

Such a great idea: deploy new versions of Titanium applications to users or testers without any user interaction.

Creating Alloy Widgets

The talk of Martin Hudson about creating widgets in Titanium Alloy


appcelerator/titanium-code-processor · GitHub

A tool for analyzing JavaScript code in Titanium Mobile projects. It provide a wide variety of useful functionality: runtime error detection, Titanium API deprecation warnings, platform specific API validation, etc.


A Balsamiq mockups to Titanium Alloy XML templates converter


A Titanium package manager, "à la" npm or Composer

Titanium Command Line Utility Specification

A specification for the Appcelerator Titanium command line utility - how it should work and how it should be designed

Comparing Titanium and PhoneGap

A long blog post by Kevin Whinnery, which explains how Titanium and Phonegap differ

Titanium 2.0 Layout Changes - Documentation & Guides - Appcelerator Wiki

Some layout changes with Titanium 2.0 release... The "auto" attribute will behave differently from now on...

Titanium Mobile SDK 2.0.1 is available now « Appcelerator Developer Center

Titanium Mobile SDK 2.0.1 is now available. A major release adressing more than 700 issues, plus the apparition of the Integration with Appcelerator Cloud Services+

TRICK: Drop real shadows in Titanium (iOS) » Community Questions & Answers » Appcelerator Developer Center

A titanium tip / hack which allows to display real soft shadows under view components in native applications. The created effect is rather impressive!


How to create a Tweetie-like pull to refresh table

by 1 other
A simple howto which shows how to create a Twitter-like refresh scrollview in javascript. Nifty!

dawsontoth/Appcelerator-Titanium-Redux - GitHub

Titanium Redux is a js library which helps write less code when developing an Appcelerator Titanium-powered mobile application. It adds support for JSS, localization, global includes, default properties, and more.


xavierlacot/joli.js - GitHub

joli.js is an Activerecord-like javascript ORM, particularly suited for being used in the Appcelerator Titanium Mobile framework.

oauth-adapter - Project Hosting on Google Code

A pure js library for adding OAuth authentification capacities to Titanium Mobile applications

Mobile Developer Survey, June 2010 | Appcelerator

Appcelerator surveyed 2,733 developers from June 15-17, 2010. This survey goes into detail on the perceptions for each of the six major OS platforms: Apple (iOS), Google (Android), Palm/HP (webOS), Microsoft (Phone 7), Nokia (Symbian/Meego) and RIM (BlackBerry).

iPad-Controlled Blimp Schmoozes With Partygoers

Un petit dirigeable piloté par un Ipad. Une application faite avec Titanium en 3 semaines de développement.